Thursday, June 28, 2012

The beta results are in

I went in for my first beta yesterday and it was 600! Thats pretty high according to the charts, more in line with twins, the average twin beta at the same day I was, was 590, singleton was 297 but after talking to many ladies I've heard of twin numbers being as low as 300 for my day and as high as 2000, so its really hard to say at this point if its 1 or 2 babies, we won't know until the first u/s which will be between 6-7 weeks, so in about 2 to 2.5 weeks.

We go back in tomorrow for a repeat beta to make sure the levels are doubling and then they will schedule my u/s, I am going to try to schedule a little closer to 7 weeks to have a better chance of seeing the heartbeat/s.

Symptoms are already starting for me, I am very very tired no matter how much sleep I get, I just can't get enough sleep. I am also having big food aversions and nothing but salty things like soup sounds good to me, I am completely turned off by my normally biggest craving, which is sweets and desserts! The thought of something sweet makes me nausous. I am feeling quite yuck more at night than in the morning, especially after a meal, just feeling over all blah. I am 4 weeks 4 days today, I can't wait to get to 5 weeks so I can see my little baby ticker go from a ball of cells to an actual figure that looks like a baby :).

I wanted to share the picture we plan to share on facebook when we're ready to announce it to everyone.

While he hasn't fully grasped whats happening, he is insisting he gets a sister, though I've tried to explain to him that I cannot choose, its whatever the Lord gives us.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

I am completely humbled by my Savior's Grace

Well we took a pregnancy test at 8:00am this morning and we got a beautiful BFP! I am in complete shock, awe, and most of all humbled before my Lord and Savior! I feel happy, excited, nervous, and unworthy of such blessings all at the same time. I am so happy that my 30 months of trying to conceive a second time have come to an end but at the same time I am nervous in this delicate stage of pregnancy, not even quite 4 weeks, so I fear for the safety of my sweet baby/babies in my womb, I will feel so much better when I see the heartbeat/s and see him/her/them on ultrasound, here are my tests from this morning, 7dp5dt.

It is quite surreal, it hasn't fully sunk in, 30 long, painful months and we've been blessed, Jacob is going to be a big brother! Thank you so much to my dear heavenly father Jesus Christ, thank you for hearing my prayers and blessing me with the desires of my heart, I am over the moon!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Very nervous to test tomorrow

Well tomorrow is the day I take my first HPT, I am terrified, after 30 months (not including the 26 months trying for my son 5 years ago) of nothing but negatives and heart ache, I am finding it hard to believe I could actually see a positive, my mind is trying to imagine good news and seeing a positive but its out weighed with fear of so much failure that I've experienced. No surprising James this time, we've decided to do the test together in the morning, I will admit, while its still early, if I don't see a least somewhat of a line, I will lose all hope.

Please pray for me, I pray that I will get a positive result tomorrow and actually allow myself to believe this could be it, I want the little lives that were put in my uterus so badly, I cannot even describe it, until tomorrow.......

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

4dp5dt and update on my remaining embryos

I am currently 4dp5dt, I will say that the last two days I have had period like cramps, mild but they were noticable, today I felt no cramps but I did feel sharp twinges in my lower tummy, I have also been extremely tired but I am assuming its far too soon to be feeling tried from pregnancy though it was my first symptom with Jacob though I believe it happened around 14-15 days past ovulation where as I am only considered 9 days past currently. I am praying so hard for these little lives in me, while I know twins will be hard the first few months, I pray both my embies make it, I don't want to lose either of them.

We got a call late yesterday that our 3rd embryo turned into a excellent AA- quality by day 6 and looked beautiful so it was frozen, they also told us surprisingly one of the others they thought had no hope of survival made it to blast too but it was of fair/poor quality but they frozen it too, so we have 2 frozen babies for future use, I am so happy and blessed!

I am praying multiple times a day that this is the Lords will for us and that we will have a successful pregnancy, we've already been telling Jacob we're working on a brother or sister or both for him! He keeps saying he wants a sister :) ....though I think he would be happy with either, he loves babies and is always attracted to them when he sees them in public, he will be a great big brother!

This will probably be my last post before I take a home pregnancy test, our blood test at the fertility center is next Wednesday, June 27th, though technically that will be 16 days past ovulation, pregnancy can be detected days sooner than that so I will probably take a home test a few days earlier, until then, prayers we have good news to share soon!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our egg transfer is done

Sorry for the lack of posting, I have been so consumed by everything lately and I've been trying to get lots of rest. We got to Augusta around 9:30am for a 9:45am transfer on Saturday the 16th, we were told that only 3 of our 8 embies made it to blast, one excellent AA quality and two good BB quality, they transferred the AA and the better of the two BB and wanted to watch the 3rd BB to see how it grew to day 6, one of the 8 embies completely arrested and the other 4 had little hope to grow much more, but I was still holding out hope for them and my 3rd blast to grow well to day 6, here we are right before egg transfer, this is not my best look but its what 3 hours of sleep, no make up, a hair net, and a hospital gown gets you :)

And this is me right before they placed my beautiful embryo's in my uterus :)

And these are my precious babies :)
AA quality on the left, my BB on the right

And here they are placed in my uterus, there is a little circle around them

Embryo's safely in my uterus, snuggle in babies!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Egg retrieval and fertilization report

I have been slacking in the posting department but I have been consumed quite a bit lately. We triggered with ovidrel on Saturday night, the 9th at 11:45pm and were scheduled for retrieval for 11:00am Monday morning the 12th. I felt in my heart that I may have been triggered too early as I had only been stimming 7 days, the average being 9-12 days but being that my E2 levels were rising so fast, they didn't want to risk OHSS so they triggered me.

I got to Augusta around 10:20am the day of retrieval and they took me back around 11:00am, I was put under general anesthesia and remember nothing, when I woke up they told me they retrieved 19 eggs and that they would call me the following day with the fertilization report, I was so happy with that number of eggs.

I got the call around 1:00pm on Tuesday and I was slightly disappointed but need to remember that the Lord is going to provide the perfect amount of embies for us, they told me of the 19 eggs retrieved, only 11 were mature which wasn't shocking since I was triggered so early. Of those 11 mature, 8.5 fertilized, the 9th only half way fertilized and the other 8 fertilized normally. While 8 is a good number, I am terrified of how many more will drop off before day 5 and my RE wants a 5 day transfer. I have prayed all along that the Lord would give me the perfect amount of embies to go along with how many kids we're mean't to have so in my heart I always wanted at least 2 to transfer and 2-4 to freeze for later use or in case the fresh transfer failed, so I've prayed for 4-6 total by day 5.

I will be awaiting the call tomorrow which will be day 3 to let me know how many of those 8 have continued to grow and to know the quality of them, I am quite nervous and have been praying for my 8 precious little embies so much in the last two days, while I know its rare for all the fertilized embies to continue to grow, I am still praying they all make it, I don't want to lose any of them. I am also praying for quality, I really hope that we have great quality embies to help give us a better shot of this working.

I am a bit of a nervous wreak right now but I am hoping for good news tomorrow. I have been very bloated the past 2 days and downing tons of gatorade, it helps but I have been uncomfortable, I don't think I have OHSS at all, thank goodness, but I am certainly ready to feel less bloated. Until tomorrow, that is our update, thank you for all your prayers everyone!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Egg retrieval date is in!

I meant to update yesterday but I've been so busy, we have an egg retrieval date! Monday (tomorrow) at 11:00am. I went in Saturday morning to see that my follies grew quite a bit in 24 hours, I have at least 11 over 16mm and several smaller ones around 13-14mm that may catch up but due to my E2 levels being way up, they decided to have me trigger with ovidrel at 11:45pm last night, they are trying to avoid OHSS, they also had me take another last dose of 150 IU of follistim with the ovidrel.

I just got a call from the anesthesiologist who explained what I will be going through. I am quite uncomfortable off and on at this point, not too bad on cramps but bloated, I am having to wear sundresses daily because anything on my waist is uncomfortable, I am a bit nausous and having a hard time getting comfy at night because I am a stomach sleeper, but I have to remember this will all be worth it in the end!

Well, thats all I have to update at this point, I will let you know tomorrow how many eggs we get, praying for good quality!

Friday, June 8, 2012

3rd ultrasound and blood work

Today we had our 3rd u/s and b/w, they never got back to me on the b/w and said they would only if it was too high, so no news means good news :). Well in my last post I mentioned that things were moving along very quick, they switched my meds up a bit and instead of the 150 IU of follistim, backed me to 75 IU follistim and threw in the ever so expensive menopur, 75 IU, since I started that combo, things have slowed down, or maybe its just because u/s 1 and 2 were 4 days apart and u/s 2 and 3 were only 2 days apart. I had a few more follies in the scan and my biggest is now 18mm but I will not lie, I was expecting more, they've been telling me I am a super responder and doing awesome, so when I hear that I am thinking tons of eggs, but they seemed to only count about 13-15 above 7mm and several tiny ones, my doctor predicted approx 8-10 eggs at retrieval, which I was completely expecting more.

My doctor did tell me quantity does not always mean good, a lot of times when people stim fast and with tons of eggs, the quality isn't there, but a slower pace can bring better quality, which of course is what I want. I know he was trying to keep my stimulating down as me and James discussed at our consult 3 months ago that due to our faith we do not believe in doing anything with our embryo's but transferring them, I am completely alright with couples that are able to donate their embryo's to another infertile couple but for us, we cannot do that, knowing our full biological child was with another family, so for us, our only option is transferring all of them, so with that being said, I think our doctor knows we don't want to be transferring 15 eggs! Of course I read so many stories of people getting 25 and then ending up with only 4 or 5 of quality that are able to transfer, so that worried me. I am hoping and praying for 4-6 quality 5 day blasts, two to transfer in this fresh cycle and 2-4 to freeze.

I have to keep reminding myself that the Lord is in control and I have been praying for many months that God will not give me too few or too many embryo's, but naturally our earthly minds think more is better but I have to find peace with it all. I know this is our only shot at IVF, me and James have agreed, 1 fresh IVF cycle and transferring of any frozen embryo's at some point, but no more fresh IVF cycles, we cannot afford it financially and cannot handle it emotionally, so we have a lot riding on this cycle, therefore the reason I am worrying about everything.

My doctor wants to see me back tomorrow morning at 9:15am, there he will make his decision on when I am to trigger and travel to Augusta for egg retrieval, he is predicting I'll stim tonight and tomorrow night and trigger Sunday with a Tuesday retrieval, but he said it was possible that I will trigger tomorrow night and do ER on Monday, until then, thats where we're at!

**Update** Just got a call from the nurse, my E2 levels are 3135! My nurse was very happy and said they want them between 2000-4000 for ER, so they are taking my follistim away completely and just having me on menopur tonight, they want me coasting until ER, they are now predicting a Sat night trigger and Monday morning retrieval, here we go!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Second u/s today went great!

Well we went in for our second u/s this morning, boy it was hard waking up at 6:00am! When they went in to see my follies, both the nurse and u/s tech went, wow, look at all those follies after only 4 days of stimming, yes, thats what I wanted to hear! I already have 7 eggs over 10mm, with the largest being 14.5mm and I had 5 that were just under 10mm, and many many smallers ones, too many to count. My lining was 8.5 and I'm on CD 7, so right on track. They took blood and said they would get back to me later with my estadiol levels to see if they need to back me down on meds or change anything.

I got a call around 3:00pm and my estradiol levels are already 1300! They are supposed to be around 2000 for egg retrieval so they backed me down from 150 IU of follistim to 75 IU and added Menopur, 75 IU of that as well, they want me to do that for two nights and see me again Friday morning, its possible I will trigger with Ovidrel Friday night and do ER as early as Sunday! I had no idea things would move so fast but they said I am doing beautifully, they were very happy with my progress.

Well I picked my menopur up today from a local pharmacy, I got it home and realized it expired in November 2010, eek! They were about too close to so I called them and they apologized and got a delivery truck from another location to deliever me non expired menopur, phew! I got a bit nervous because they want me on the menopur tonight and it was already 4:30pm, but we're good, so now a third injection, fun least we only need 2 vials, a vial of menopur cost us $85, and $170 for two, steep.

So thats where we're at, moving right along, I will update again on Friday when they see how this new combo is going and I may know a more exact day of my ER.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Things seem to be going well

I am on day # 4 of stimming and lupron, the injections haven't been bad at all, I was expecting them to be so much worse but am relieved that they are not. We go in at 8:15am Wednesday morning (tomorrow) for an u/s to see how things are going, they mentioned possibly adding menopur which helps the quality of the eggs, so I've heard. I am a little concerned as this is an expensive med and any new expense is quite scary considering all that we've already spent, hopefully I won't need much of it if they put me on it.

Everynight before bed now Jacob will ask me about a brother or sister, poor little guy, I pray so much that I can give him one, he will be an awesome big brother! He loves other kids and is so polite and kind to them, he has some issues with sharing but he is usually not mean about it, he is just so used to it being only him for 4 years, never in daycare, and never having to share, he is getting there. He always says please and thank you, your welcome, and bless you when you sneeze :) ...I am so proud of him, he is a good boy. He also loves to sing Jesus loves me, here is a video of him singing :).

Well, thats all for now, I will update again tomorrow once I go in for my u/s and see how things are going, have a great day!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Where we are now, and journey to conceive # 2

I am beginning this blog to hopefully help others out there struggling through what I have and am struggling through, for I feel everything happens for a reason and know that God wouldn't have put me through this heart ache unless it was to further his kingdom in the future.

In my previous post I introduced myself and told you of our journey into parenthood, my beautiful son is now 4 years old, he is the light of my life, he will be starting pre-k 4 in August, I cannot believe how much time has passed, he is such a good boy with a very outgoing and funny personality.

My sweet boy Jacob's 4 year portrait.

I never thought that I would have to endure the pain I endured for 26 months ever again, when I conceived my son I thought my pain was over, but that was far from the truth. Me and James began thinking about conceiving again when Jacob was about 1.5 years old, we knew how long it took us to conceive him so we said we would start when he was 2 in hopes of having our kids approx 3 years apart. I was hoping with the combo of vitamins and sleep apnea under control that we would have no more troubles. Well we started trying again January, 2010 just after Jacob's second birthday. We tried and tried over the course of 11 months and decided that it was time to have us both retested again. We bought our first home in August, 2010 and were more financially stable as I had become a professional photographer and opened my own business in December, 2009. James also had a better job and we were just better off, so we knew if needed, we might be able to consider treatment but we were still hoping we wouldn't need it.

All tests came back 100% fine for me again, and so it seemed James were much better than before, in November 2010 his counts were 55 million, so normal, but the shape (morphology), and direction they were swimming was not good, only about 20% of his sperm were normal shaped and barley any were swimming forward and they were swimming slowly, never making it to my egg. Still, we were told we could still conceive on our own because the counts were normal. I felt so positive after that appointment that I just knew we would conceive soon. Well 8 more months passed and we were not pregnant, in July 2011 we had James retested and were very saddened to see his counts back at 20 million, low again, the morphology even lower at 15%, though his motility was better, they were moving forward and at a moderate speed. The RE ordered some tests for James, blood work and an ultrasound, in the ultrasound it revealed that James had a varicocele, its a vein in the testicles that can heat them up too much and kill sperm. Our options were IUI (intrauterine insemination) which would give us a 10-15% chance of success per month and costs about $1,000, continue trying naturally with a 5-10% chance of success, IVF with a 60% chance of success, or a varicocele repair which gave us a 50/50 chance of it improving his sperm, we took the last option as insurance covered most of it. James had his repair in September, 2011 and we discussed that if the repair made little or no change or even worsened, we would move onto IVF, so we waited until January, 2012 to have him retested. Unfortunately most stayed the same or got worse, one aspect improved. The counts improved slightly, as well as the motility, the morphology became worse with just 10% normal shaped, it hit me hard, I knew we had to move on if we wanted to expand our family.

We knew the cost of IVF in Atlanta was one of the highest in the USA so we didn't know how we were going to afford the $16,000, so we were considering using a place in Florida which was a low cost IVF center, but the thought of having to drive 4 hours to get there and finding a sitter for our son and hotel stays, we didn't know how to make it work. So I started researching low cost IVF centers and to my amazement I came across a blog that mentioned a new office that opened in Atlanta in late 2011, it was a low cost IVF center starting at just $6,500 for IVF without meds! Approx $8,000-$10,000 with meds depending on how much you needed, I was shocked and so excited, we scheduled an appointment with Dr. Massey in February 2012 .

Dr. Massey reviewed our case, gave us the option of IUI and IVF, well we didn't want to spend $1,000's going through IUI every month to potentially waste it all on a 10-15% chance of success and having to go through that heart ache each month if it didn't take, so we agreed on IVF. James was much more hesitant to do IVF than me but nobody and I mean nobody can quite understand the pain a woman goes through when dealing with infertility than the woman going through it herself, men try to understand but never can, fully. James was tired of the depression and anxiety I went through every month to conceive so he agreed. We prayed hard about how we would afford this, though much less than the other centers out here, it was still a lot of money. I had been putting some money aside from my photography business for years in case this happened, so I had enough to cover half, we prayed for a miracle of finances and we received just that. We received much more back in taxes than expected and received a generous donation towards our medication that I am eternally grateful to this person for, we were able to come up with enough to cover everything in full without having to finance it, thank you Jesus!

I kept asking for signs from God that this is what we're supposed to do and he kept revealing them to me time and time again, so we moved forward. When I went in, in March 2012 to have an SIS done, they found a tiny polyp in my uterus and had to have it removed by a hysteroscopy before moving forward with IVF and since I couldn't get in until April 18th, our original May IVF got pushed to June. I had a hysteroscopy and d&c to clean everything out on April 18th and was put under for the first time. Everything was successful and came back normal, so we moved forward.

Now, to this current day, I began (hopefully my last for awhile) my period on Thursday, May 31st, I scheduled my CD 3 baseline ultrasound for Saturday June 2nd, my RE also wanted to do an endometrial biospy on me due to several small studies showing nearly double the success rates with implantation of the embryo's in IVF when this is done in the same cycle as IVF. While this procedure is normally done on patients who have had multiple failed IVF's, my RE said why let it fail? Why not do it to everyone starting and give them the best chance possible and hopefully not let them fail? I completely agree! This IVF is a one time shot for us, we simply cannot afford anymore with putting our son through private Christian school, so we want the best chance possible. Now I read some horror stories about endometrial biospy's online, scared me to death and I couldn't sleep the night before, well, I am here to tell you that it wasn't bad at all! It was a 1 minute procedure and I felt moderate cramps for 15 second, then it was done, nothing to it! I was nervous and lost a night sleep over nothing. So my scan showed that I had approx 19 follies waiting to grow and be fertilized, Dr. Massey said this was great and to be expected from a healthy, fertile, 29 year old, so I was pleased.

All my medications came a little over a week ago, this isn't so bad compared to what I've seen some ladies have to have:

We are doing a flare protocol, I began two of the meds yesterday on June 2nd, we're starting with 5 units of lupron in the morning a long with an 81mg aspirin, and a prenatal vitamin. In the evening we are doing 150 IU of follistim and dexamethozone once a night. Now I am starting on low doses because there is a high chance of over stimulating me, I am young with no fertility problems and lots of follies, we don't want any OHSS and end up in a canceled cycle.

I will say I was terrifed to give myself injections but once again, I scared myself over nothing, I've taken 3 injections so far since I started writing this and I can hardly feel them, nothing to it. We go back to the RE on Wednesday morning at 8:15am, eeek, thats early for me, but I am willing to do anything to make my sweet boy a big brother, he asks about a brother or sister often and it just breaks my heart, I keep telling him mommy and daddy are trying. Wednesday they will see how the follies are growing, may increase or decrease my dosage and possibly add menopur, we shall see, but until then, this is our life up until now, we pray daily that this will be successful for us and that the Lord will use our battle to help others!

Introduction and story

My name is Joanna in May of 2002, I met a man named James, we met off an online dating site, I was 19 and he was 29, despite the age difference we hit it off when we met for the first time, he came in to meet my family before taking me on our first date. Me and James are dedicated Christians who first and foremost put the Lord Jesus Christ first in our lives, without him, I couldn't make it through life, he is my everything. To make a long story short, me and James got engaged exactly 1 year from when we started dating, then married approx 9 months later on January 17th, 2004, I was 21 and he was 31. I have wanted children since as long as I could remember, I was always more mature for my age, therefore the reason I tended to date older than myself. Me and James decided to wait 1 year into our marriage to being trying to conceive, we started trying in February, 2005 thinking it wouldn't be long before we would be celebrating something huge! And our journey to parenthood began....

After approx 6 months of trying to conceive I started to wonder why we hadn't conceived, I joined many "trying to conceive" groups and kept seeing people graduating with pregnancy announcements, as I still continued to wait...Finally after a year of trying I decided it was time to look into why it wasn't happening for us, numerous tests were run on both myself and my husband James, it was determined that James had an extremely low sperm count, everything checked out 100% normal for me. Now an average fertile man of James age has approx 40-200 million sperm, James had just 1 million, we were devestated. We met with doctors, did a lot of research on vitamins and things that could improve our situation. The meeting with our first RE was grim, they told us IVF was our only hope, we simply could not afford the $16,000 they wanted for it, we asked for an alternative so they told us about Proxeed, unfortunately even that was too much for us, $100 a month, so we researched the active ingredients in it and bought them individually, costing us about $40 every 3 months, we could swing that, we only had 1 income and just couldn't afford much. Over the course of the next 6-8 months James counts went to 3.2 million then 5.8 million, around that time he was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, we started to wonder if that could be affecting his fertility? No reason was ever found as to why his counts were so low, his blood work was fine, no blockages at the time, nothing. Well we got his sleep apnea taken care of and I could finally sleep in the same room as him again! He snored so loud from the apnea we were sleeping in separate bedrooms.

I was so desperate to be a mother I began looking into flying out of the country for IVF, as it was 1/4 of the cost in India, but the amount of time James would have to take off work and the cost to fly there and stay in a hotel for 2 weeks was too much for us. During all this we made a move from Deepstep (extremely small town) to Smyrna, just north of Atlanta and about 2 1/2 hours away from where we were living, we had been trying to get to Atlanta for years and James finally got a job at IBM through his best friend, so August of 2006 we moved outside of Atlanta.

I never gave up hope and faith that I would become pregnant, it was the desire of my heart and I knew the Lord was doing to give me this desire of my heart, though my heart broke each and every month I wasn't pregnant and every pregnant woman I seen was a knife digging deeper into my heart, we continued taking the vitamins and trying on our own.

Now, almost 4 months to the day after James went on his c-pap machine for sleep apnea, I don't know if it helped his fertility or was related in any way, but it takes 3.5 month for new sperm to form from any type of treatment so it was kind of odd that we got an amazing suprise 4 months after going on his c-pap. We had a second opinion fertility center appointment set up for the following day on May 18th, 2007, I set it up the month before around the time my period was due just in case the Lord had other plans for us. Just 24 hours before that appointment we received a complete and total miracle from the Lord that occured on May 17th, 2007, as I clearly noticed I was 2 days late on my period, I refused to believe it could be, I thought it was a fluke but I decided to test, I walked away from the test after James left for work and prayed to my Savior for the strength to handle a negative outcome, as I slowly walked back in the bathroom it looked negative, as I got closer my heart did flips as I seen a light pink line on the test portion of the pregnancy test, I was pregnant! I was shaking, crying, fell to the floor and began praising the Lord, after 26 long, hurtful months of trying, we were pregnant, and naturally! I ran out to Walgreens and purchased 2 more tests, one of them being a digital that read "pregnant" when I got home, I was in awe. I ran out to the store and bought a ribbon that said "Dad to be", printed up a picture of a daddy holding a babies hand and wrote "Hey Daddy, the Lord finally blessed us, we're going to be parents, I am pregnant, I love you"...I put it on James dresser with the ribbon and as he came home I told him a package came in for him that I left on his dresser, he went in and came running out with a huge grin on his face and kept asking me, are you sure? We were so excited! Me and James called several friends and then drove to Chattanooga to share the news with his brother, we also drove the next day to see his mother who was 2 1/2 hours away to share the news, everyone was so excited! While I thought at that time we were going to need ART's to conceive, the Lord had other plans at this point in our lives and I was glady able to cancel my new consult appointment at the fertility center!

This all happened around my mother and sis in law's birthday so we had a celebration 3 days after I found out to celebrate birthday's and I wrapped a gift for my mom with a "grandma to be" bib, some pacies, and a baby hand print kit, everyone was there, my 3 brothers, grandma, parents, and a family friend, when my mom opened her present she looked at me and asked if I was pregnant, I said yes and she nearly had a heart attack, she cried, she screamed, she shouted, and she praised the Lord! My mom knew all of what I went through to conceive and prayed for me often, calling many prayer lines for me, she followed my journey closely and felt she witnessed a miracle, it was a great day and all caught on video!

Fast forward to 9 months later, I had a wonderful pregnancy, I enjoyed every minute of it and our son Jacob John was born on January 25th, 2008, he is our pride and joy and I am forever grateful and blessed the Lord gave him to us, I cannot imagine what life was like before him.

Just a quick couple pictures of me at the happiest time in my life and my sweet newborn baby boy :)