Wednesday, June 20, 2012

4dp5dt and update on my remaining embryos

I am currently 4dp5dt, I will say that the last two days I have had period like cramps, mild but they were noticable, today I felt no cramps but I did feel sharp twinges in my lower tummy, I have also been extremely tired but I am assuming its far too soon to be feeling tried from pregnancy though it was my first symptom with Jacob though I believe it happened around 14-15 days past ovulation where as I am only considered 9 days past currently. I am praying so hard for these little lives in me, while I know twins will be hard the first few months, I pray both my embies make it, I don't want to lose either of them.

We got a call late yesterday that our 3rd embryo turned into a excellent AA- quality by day 6 and looked beautiful so it was frozen, they also told us surprisingly one of the others they thought had no hope of survival made it to blast too but it was of fair/poor quality but they frozen it too, so we have 2 frozen babies for future use, I am so happy and blessed!

I am praying multiple times a day that this is the Lords will for us and that we will have a successful pregnancy, we've already been telling Jacob we're working on a brother or sister or both for him! He keeps saying he wants a sister :) ....though I think he would be happy with either, he loves babies and is always attracted to them when he sees them in public, he will be a great big brother!

This will probably be my last post before I take a home pregnancy test, our blood test at the fertility center is next Wednesday, June 27th, though technically that will be 16 days past ovulation, pregnancy can be detected days sooner than that so I will probably take a home test a few days earlier, until then, prayers we have good news to share soon!

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