Well we went in for our second u/s this morning, boy it was hard waking up at 6:00am! When they went in to see my follies, both the nurse and u/s tech went, wow, look at all those follies after only 4 days of stimming, yes, thats what I wanted to hear! I already have 7 eggs over 10mm, with the largest being 14.5mm and I had 5 that were just under 10mm, and many many smallers ones, too many to count. My lining was 8.5 and I'm on CD 7, so right on track. They took blood and said they would get back to me later with my estadiol levels to see if they need to back me down on meds or change anything.
I got a call around 3:00pm and my estradiol levels are already 1300! They are supposed to be around 2000 for egg retrieval so they backed me down from 150 IU of follistim to 75 IU and added Menopur, 75 IU of that as well, they want me to do that for two nights and see me again Friday morning, its possible I will trigger with Ovidrel Friday night and do ER as early as Sunday! I had no idea things would move so fast but they said I am doing beautifully, they were very happy with my progress.
Well I picked my menopur up today from a local pharmacy, I got it home and realized it expired in November 2010, eek! They were about too close to so I called them and they apologized and got a delivery truck from another location to deliever me non expired menopur, phew! I got a bit nervous because they want me on the menopur tonight and it was already 4:30pm, but we're good, so now a third injection, fun fun...at least we only need 2 vials, a vial of menopur cost us $85, and $170 for two, steep.
So thats where we're at, moving right along, I will update again on Friday when they see how this new combo is going and I may know a more exact day of my ER.
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