Thursday, June 28, 2012

The beta results are in

I went in for my first beta yesterday and it was 600! Thats pretty high according to the charts, more in line with twins, the average twin beta at the same day I was, was 590, singleton was 297 but after talking to many ladies I've heard of twin numbers being as low as 300 for my day and as high as 2000, so its really hard to say at this point if its 1 or 2 babies, we won't know until the first u/s which will be between 6-7 weeks, so in about 2 to 2.5 weeks.

We go back in tomorrow for a repeat beta to make sure the levels are doubling and then they will schedule my u/s, I am going to try to schedule a little closer to 7 weeks to have a better chance of seeing the heartbeat/s.

Symptoms are already starting for me, I am very very tired no matter how much sleep I get, I just can't get enough sleep. I am also having big food aversions and nothing but salty things like soup sounds good to me, I am completely turned off by my normally biggest craving, which is sweets and desserts! The thought of something sweet makes me nausous. I am feeling quite yuck more at night than in the morning, especially after a meal, just feeling over all blah. I am 4 weeks 4 days today, I can't wait to get to 5 weeks so I can see my little baby ticker go from a ball of cells to an actual figure that looks like a baby :).

I wanted to share the picture we plan to share on facebook when we're ready to announce it to everyone.

While he hasn't fully grasped whats happening, he is insisting he gets a sister, though I've tried to explain to him that I cannot choose, its whatever the Lord gives us.

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