Today we had our 3rd u/s and b/w, they never got back to me on the b/w and said they would only if it was too high, so no news means good news :). Well in my last post I mentioned that things were moving along very quick, they switched my meds up a bit and instead of the 150 IU of follistim, backed me to 75 IU follistim and threw in the ever so expensive menopur, 75 IU, since I started that combo, things have slowed down, or maybe its just because u/s 1 and 2 were 4 days apart and u/s 2 and 3 were only 2 days apart. I had a few more follies in the scan and my biggest is now 18mm but I will not lie, I was expecting more, they've been telling me I am a super responder and doing awesome, so when I hear that I am thinking tons of eggs, but they seemed to only count about 13-15 above 7mm and several tiny ones, my doctor predicted approx 8-10 eggs at retrieval, which I was completely expecting more.
My doctor did tell me quantity does not always mean good, a lot of times when people stim fast and with tons of eggs, the quality isn't there, but a slower pace can bring better quality, which of course is what I want. I know he was trying to keep my stimulating down as me and James discussed at our consult 3 months ago that due to our faith we do not believe in doing anything with our embryo's but transferring them, I am completely alright with couples that are able to donate their embryo's to another infertile couple but for us, we cannot do that, knowing our full biological child was with another family, so for us, our only option is transferring all of them, so with that being said, I think our doctor knows we don't want to be transferring 15 eggs! Of course I read so many stories of people getting 25 and then ending up with only 4 or 5 of quality that are able to transfer, so that worried me. I am hoping and praying for 4-6 quality 5 day blasts, two to transfer in this fresh cycle and 2-4 to freeze.
I have to keep reminding myself that the Lord is in control and I have been praying for many months that God will not give me too few or too many embryo's, but naturally our earthly minds think more is better but I have to find peace with it all. I know this is our only shot at IVF, me and James have agreed, 1 fresh IVF cycle and transferring of any frozen embryo's at some point, but no more fresh IVF cycles, we cannot afford it financially and cannot handle it emotionally, so we have a lot riding on this cycle, therefore the reason I am worrying about everything.
My doctor wants to see me back tomorrow morning at 9:15am, there he will make his decision on when I am to trigger and travel to Augusta for egg retrieval, he is predicting I'll stim tonight and tomorrow night and trigger Sunday with a Tuesday retrieval, but he said it was possible that I will trigger tomorrow night and do ER on Monday, until then, thats where we're at!
**Update** Just got a call from the nurse, my E2 levels are 3135! My nurse was very happy and said they want them between 2000-4000 for ER, so they are taking my follistim away completely and just having me on menopur tonight, they want me coasting until ER, they are now predicting a Sat night trigger and Monday morning retrieval, here we go!!
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