Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Things seem to be going well

I am on day # 4 of stimming and lupron, the injections haven't been bad at all, I was expecting them to be so much worse but am relieved that they are not. We go in at 8:15am Wednesday morning (tomorrow) for an u/s to see how things are going, they mentioned possibly adding menopur which helps the quality of the eggs, so I've heard. I am a little concerned as this is an expensive med and any new expense is quite scary considering all that we've already spent, hopefully I won't need much of it if they put me on it.

Everynight before bed now Jacob will ask me about a brother or sister, poor little guy, I pray so much that I can give him one, he will be an awesome big brother! He loves other kids and is so polite and kind to them, he has some issues with sharing but he is usually not mean about it, he is just so used to it being only him for 4 years, never in daycare, and never having to share, he is getting there. He always says please and thank you, your welcome, and bless you when you sneeze :) ...I am so proud of him, he is a good boy. He also loves to sing Jesus loves me, here is a video of him singing :).


Well, thats all for now, I will update again tomorrow once I go in for my u/s and see how things are going, have a great day!

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